Internet – Tech & Tokyo – A Gaijin in Japan Tue, 17 Aug 2021 10:41:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bonded Internet Fri, 16 Sep 2016 09:47:46 +0000 A quick post for people who rely on ADSL connections for their Internet.

If you need more power take a look at iTel, they offer a bonded Internet connection where you can bond up-to 6 connections for ‘mega bandwidth’.

300 Fiber

I’m happy to say I currently enjoy a 300 meg fiber connection (yes, I’m bragging) so I don’t have a need for bonded ADSL now but perhaps in the future.

How bonded ADSL work?

Bonded ADSL is where multiple ADSL lines are combined into a single aggregated connection to deliver greater download and upload speeds. This is not the same as using a load balancing router with multiple connections.

With bonding, the original datastream is split up into multiple streams, each of which is sent down an individual ADSL connection. The process of splitting datastreams is performed by special hardware at the bonded ADSL provider’s datacentre. At the customer’s premises, the separate datastreams are recombined to form a single data stream.

A super cool way to increase your bandwidth when only ADSL is available.

RAR & UNRAR on Linux Tue, 01 Jul 2014 04:38:33 +0000 Seems linux people don’t like RAR very much, it is not easy to install from most package managers it seems. Some used to have it, then removed it because it was not free.

Then some people come up with limited free versions etc. etc. I ended up just getting it direct from the source @ rarlab.

Move to your tmp folder and download from rarlab site.

cd /tmp

Extract the downloaded file (extracts to rar folder).

tar -zxvf rarlinux-x64-5.8.b1.tar.gz

Move the files to your /bin folder so you can execute rar and unrar from anywhere on your system.

cp rar/rar rar/unrar /bin

That’s about it. Now you can actually use the full power of rar on your linux box.
